By narity solutions
February 1, 2021
With the technology enhancement, Cloud PABX is getting more a preferred system comparing to the traditional Analog PABX System. This is mainly due to the requirement of mobility and making companies operation more effectively. 1. Cloud PABX System Do Not Require to Purchase System Hardware In the traditional PABX System, the system box is required to be placed in the office. Thus, Cloud PABX had eliminated the requirement of needing the box system and replaced with a Virtual System. As long an internet connection is available, then Cloud PABX System would be able to run as usual. A very good example is companies used to host a email server by their own, however were being replaced with hosted email services. 2. Mobility and Stay Connected While the traditional PABX system require to access, make or receive calls only in the office, Cloud PABX is able to link with mobile phones, PC and Laptop. When the extension is being dialed, the devices will be able to perform the same features parallelly. It enable the possibilities of always getting connected to anyone dialing your office number wherever you are. 3. IT Personnel Requirements Corporations often hire more IT staffs to maintain IT hardware, and of course, if a PABX system is being stored and hosting in the office, it might cause higher requirements of IT personnel. As the introduction of Cloud PABX, the requirements of service and maintenance will be reduce to almost zero. Thus, ensuring the uptime of Cloud PABX system while reducing the costs. 4. Configuration of PABX System Instead of onsite configuration that might need some knowledge of coding or IT. Most Cloud PABX had been simplifying the setup. These setup are usually able to done via internet connection with simple steps. 5. Flexibility of Cloud PABX Cloud PABX has been demonstrated its flexibility. Business sizes will often varies as according to the condition of economies. It had been a concern for business owners to decide whether going for a larger PABX system to get standing by for future expansion or a smaller PABX system to save cost. Thus, Cloud PABX often comes with a flexible package that enable users to expand or reduce their number of users flexibly as according to their sizes. 6. Service Contract Maintenance For larger enterprises, in order to ensure their PABX is always up and running, service and contract maintenance is usually in place. As Cloud PABX system is being hosted by the service provider, the maintenance of Cloud PABX is always been continuously monitored. In another words, the system service is no longer needing to take place. Some vendors will also having a system being connected to the phones to monitor and giving an alert when attentions is required. 7. Cost of Cloud PABX While enjoying the great features and benefit of Cloud PABX, comparing to the traditional system, the first investment cost is usually lower. This is due to the cost of system had been eliminated. However, depending on service provider, there will usually be a minimal running cost.